Noriko Mochizuki (望月 紀子 Mochizuki Noriko) is a Japanese citizen who was enslaved sometime before the Battle of Ginza by the Empire. Yōji Itami's team rescued her during a peace negotiation with the Empire. Her discovery spawned a tense confrontation between Japan and the Empire that demanded the return of all enslaved Japanese citizens.
Noriko is a teenage girl with short bob-cut black hair and copper-brown eyes. In her first appearance in the manga, Norkio was naked, wearing only a slave collar with a chain attached. The anime changed her debut to add a ragged sheet wrapped around her and some handcuffs. After the Third Recon Team rescued her in the Imperial Palace, she received modern clothes.
During her captivity in the Special Region, Noriko became despondent and prone to crying due to Zorzal abusing and raping her. After rescuing her, the JSDF attempted to hide how her family likely got killed in the Battle of Ginza. Her family's home had also burned down due to failing to turn off electronics, leaving her without any property or shelter. After learning about these things, Noriko fell into a nihilistic depression, losing nearly all will to live.
When Tyuule sent Delilah to assassinate her under fake orders, Noriko coldly resigned herself to death, glad her pain would end. However, after Akira Yanagida thwarted the attempts, she began healing from her depression. After coming to terms with her experience, Noriko became cheerful and outgoing, throwing her support behind the JSDF.
Some time before the Battle of Ginza, Imperial scouts captured Noriko with a group of Japanese citizens and took them back through the gate. In Chapter 37, we learn that this abduction took place in the early summer. The captives were split up and sold; the men were sent to mines, while Zorzal El Caesar forced Noriko into sexual slavery under him, regularly beating and raping her.
After the earthquake in the Special Region, Noriko informed Zorzal El Caesar of the possibility of aftershocks. In the manga, he pulled her and several other naked enslaved women into the throne room by their slave leashes. In the anime, she wore a tattered dress and some handcuffs, and Zorzal had his men drag her in. When Yōji Itami discovered that Noriko was a Japanese citizen, he was enraged and punched Zorzal for the reason of brutality in her. After Shino Kuribayashi sliced off her bindings, 3rd Recon flew her to Alnus Hill for medical treatment and properly clothed her.
Sometime later, she became depressed after hearing her family likely got killed in the Battle of Ginza. During that time, Delilah received a forged letter from Tyuule ordering her to assassinate Noriko, hoping to reignite a war between the Empire and Japan. Delilah reluctantly accepted the assignment, believing the letter came from the Formal Clan.
When Delilah confronted Noriko in Alnus and pulled a knife on her, she was surprised to learn that Noriko was already feeling suicidal and hesitated. Noriko was surprised to see another Warrior Bunny. She commented that Delilah reminded her of Tyuule, which enraged Delilah as she believed Tyuule was a traitor to her people. Before she could attack, Akira Yanagida stumbled onto the scene and battled Delilah to a draw, leaving both combatants heavily wounded. Noriko looked on and was tended to as Yanagida and Delilah got rushed to the hospital.
Soon after the attempt on her life, Noriko recovered from her suicidal depression. She started working as a liaison between the Japanese media and the citizens of Alnus and a translator for international media.
In Chapter 70, Noriko stays in Alnus for the media when she gets recruited to ride herd on the press. Later, she's shown running a blog named Meganekko for information about Special Region the mass media is reluctant to publish.
Skills & Abilities[]
As a translator, Noriko can speak English, French, Japanese, and the language of the Special Region fluently.
- The name Noriko means "chronicle" (紀) (nori) and "child" (子) (ko).
- Noriko's surname Mochizuki means "wish, desire, hope" (望) (mochi) and "moon" (月) (tsuki/zuki), which means "full moon" when interpreted literally.
- Noriko likely has no close relatives; she lacked a residence after her family's home burned down and nobody came to see her.
- A man named Hiroki got captured with Noriko, and it is unclear what their relationship was. Her distress at not knowing his whereabouts implies a close bond.
- Noriko smokes in the manga, but not in the anime.